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发布日期:2019-05-17 浏览次数:572

How much is the price of the 8 square aluminium art gate in Changzhou? This question should be answered by the constituent factors of the price of the aluminium art gate in Changzhou. What are the factors that restrict the price of the aluminium art gate? Aluminum door products are basically welded, so when welding aluminum door, what is the impact of price? Today we will share the price of Changzhou Aluminum Art Gate.
Changzhou Aluminum Art Gate Pipe has a greater impact on the price, because the direct cost of the size of the aluminium Art Gate pipe will appear. The cost gap between a 50*50 pipe and a 110*65 pipe is several times, so the price of the aluminium Art Gate will be much higher. Take 8 square aluminium Art Gate as an example, the price of the product will be very low if it is made of small materials, about 700 to 900 yuan. If made of large materials, the price will double, so the price factor of aluminium door should be reasonable use of pipe size to be the best.

Changzhou Aluminum Art Gate has different styles and prices. Specifically speaking, there are many styles of Aluminum Art Gate. Simply speaking, the complexity of the process. The price of Aluminum Art Gate with decorative strips will be greatly different from that of Aluminum Art Gate without decorative strips. Generally, the difference is about 300 yuan per square. Therefore, this factor should be taken into account when choosing and purchasing. Basically, we know how much the 8 square aluminium gate is reasonable.

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