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发布日期:2019-05-17 浏览次数:260

With the continuous development of Changzhou Courtyard Villa Aluminum Art Gate market, the sales types of Changzhou Courtyard Villa Aluminum Art Gate in the decoration market are dazzling. People's choice orientation is more and more diversified, and they are likely to fall into the trap of choosing and purchasing Courtyard Villa Aluminum Art Gate. The quality of aluminium art gate in courtyard villas is not only related to the quality of the whole house decoration, but also affects the safety, comfort and health of our future life. Quick pick! How many misunderstandings do you have to know when choosing aluminium art gate for courtyard villas? 误区一、价格低是王道,货比三家,选便宜的
Misconception 1. Low price is king's way, compare goods and choose cheaper ones.

The aluminium art gate of courtyard villas is different from other commodities. Consumers can only see the surface of the door, and its internal quality can not be judged. Even experts, it is sometimes difficult to judge the interior of the aluminium art gate of courtyard villas only by observing the appearance. Consumers are advised not only to make the price cheaper, but also to neglect the intrinsic quality of the product.

Selection and Purchase Strategy of Aluminum Art Gate for Real Courtyard Villas

Misconception 2. Focus only on the door, not on the door cover.

Consumers often only pay attention to the quality of the doors when choosing the aluminium art doors of courtyard villas. However, many of the after-sales problems of the aluminium art doors of courtyard villas actually come from the door cover panels. Many manufacturers in the market use density plate door cover, density plate door cover is relatively poor in waterproof and moisture-proof performance and nail-holding force, easy to lead to the courtyard villas aluminum art door subsidence scraping and other phenomena.

Exhibit Tianhua Courtyard Villa Aluminum Art Gate, factory technology upgrade, door cover material upgrade to LVL solid wood laminate, enhance pressure resistance, increase door cover wood stability, not easy to deform, crack, thus can extend the service life of the aluminum art gate of courtyard villa.

Misconception 3. Selecting Aluminum Art Gate of Courtyard Villa by Weight

It is impossible to judge the intrinsic quality of a product by weight alone. Particleboard sometimes weighs heavier than solid wood. Although the raw materials used for making particleboard are broken wood fragments, a lot of adhesives are applied in the production process. After curing, the adhesives account for a large proportion of the board, resulting in its weight is not light. In addition, because of the different size, thickness and filler of the door, it is also the reason that leads to the different weight of the aluminium art gate in courtyard villas. Therefore, specific weight is not the most reasonable basis for judging.

If you have to choose from the angle of the door, the material and thickness of the door must not be ignored! LVL solid wood laminated material is used for the core of aluminium door of Zhanzhi Tianhua Courtyard Villa. It is used for railway sleepers. It has high toughness, high strength and is not easy to deform.

Knowledge of window and door purchasing

The thickness of doors and fans first responds to the national standards, regardless of timber, the thickness is raised to 45 mm thick, effective noise barrier.

Notices for Selection and Purchase of Doors and Windows

Misconception 4. Hearsay, do not look at the certificate of environmental protection

Some consumers will judge whether the aluminium art gate of courtyard villas is environmentally friendly by smelling. It is wrong to think that the aluminium art gate of courtyard villas with low odor is environmentally friendly. The most professional way to judge the environmental protection of aluminium art gate in courtyard villas is to see whether its environmental protection indicators meet the standards.

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